Sunday, November 25, 2012

Spin a web on present

Noah is into Spiderman, and I wanted to do a something creative for his birthday pressie. We bought him spiderman gloves which can spin out web, spiderman pjs and a special light gadget for his tshirt. I used red wrapping paper to follow spidey's colours and attempted to use brown strings to spin a web. After an hour, my web look like a mess. In the end, my dear HB to the rescue, and guess what he did a beautiful job!

Meya wanted me to take this shot

Meya's Fairy Woodlands Birthday Party

This post is 2 months late, and I keep telling myself I must do it this weekend, but every weekend I seem to be doing something else instead. I'm such a procrastinator.

Giant Tree
I drew and cut out a giant tree to paste outside thehouse next to the main door, so that everyone can take photos. We picked up leaves from the park, dried them and sun them till they are brown and crispy. I reused the pom pom from the pink princess party and turned them into flowers. The owls are printed and mount on hard art card. I printed out the birthday banner and hang them on brown strings with little brown pegs. 

Centre piece for Dining Table
I had a brain block for the table, I didnt know how to set up the decor. One late night I took out christmas holly out of desparation, and put it in on the table and started building around it. So glad, the black pebbles and the little elves look good together :)

Birthday Banner
Center piece for dining table

Goodie Bags for the kids
Makeup corner for the fairies